SPH@Manchester is a Research Group, based within the School of Engineering at the University of Manchester specialising in smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH).
SPH is one of the most exciting new areas in the field of computational fluid and solid dynamics and has been a major research activity in MACE for over 15 years through the leadership of Prof. Benedict Rogers, Prof. Peter Stansby, Dr George Fourtakas and Dr Jack King. This meshless method is opening up the possibility of research into fields that were well beyond any modelling capability but are now being actively pursued, from violent free-surface flows to visco-elastic flows in containers to hardware acceleration using graphics processing units (GPUs).
The method predicts fluid pressure, velocities, energy and particle trajectories for many types of physics making it ideal for:
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School of Engineering, Engineering Building A, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK, M13 9PL (Sat-Nav M1 3BB) |